Wollongong Social Media Marketing Partner!

Casual Case Socials aims to help local businesses create an effective online presence at an affordable price. Our services include content creation, social advertising and platform management.
Do you just need initial platform setup?
Do you need ongoing maintenance and consistent posting?
Do you need to create an online profile that stands out from the rest?

Let us optimise your profits by taking care of the ongoing social media essentials while you focus on the important task of running your business.

A little about casual case socials....

As a local business owner, I know how much time navigating social media and promoting businesses online takes but it is ESSENTIAL. After navigating and establishing a successful online presence for my own business, I realised that other businesses didn’t have the time, expertise or money to do the same. I am passionate about supporting local businesses and Casual Case Socials can support your business at an affordable price.

Why casual case socials

We know Wollongong and its unique market dynamics. Our strategies are tailored to resonate with the local community.

We're not just marketers; we're storytellers. We'll infuse creativity into every aspect of your social media presence.

No two businesses are the same. We'll work closely with you to understand your brand's identity and create a customised social media strategy that aligns with your vision.

Packages and Pricing

  • Initial Setup Package on Social Platforms and Google Listings 
  • Ongoing updates and maintenance on your Google Listing
  • Consistent content creation, advertising design and posting on social media platforms (2 posts per week)
  • Ongoing updates and maintenance on your Google Listing
  • Consistent content creation, advertising design and posting on social media platforms (4 posts per week)
  • Ongoing updates and maintenance on your Google Listing
  • Consistent content creation, advertising design and posting on social media platforms (7+ posts per week)

SAVE – $270

  • Initial Setup Package
  • Ongoing updates and maintenance on your Google Listing for 3 months
  • Consistent content creation, advertising design and posting on social media platforms (4 posts per week)

Previous Work

Say Hello

If you have any questions or would like a quote, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.